Our time at Fall Creek Falls State Park was really almost just like a long weekend camping trip. Maybe that’s what made it so great. Most of our camping is not much like a camping trip, but more of a vagabond lifestyle. Staying at Fall Creek Falls for a few days was almost like a mini-vacation in our tour—a chance to hang out by the fire and hike around the trails and take it easy for a bit. The temperature dropped significantly while we were there, which made for great sleeping in the tent. We spent one day just chilling out and doing laundry, and on the second day we rode our bikes to Piney Falls and Fall Creek Falls to do some hiking. What a great park… full of sights to see and explore!

According to a placard at the park, this is the tallest waterfall east of the Rockies. We're not too far out time-wise from when we were at Niagara, so we're not sure if that's right. It might be taller, but it certainly doesn't have as much water!
Wednesday night and Thursday morning we hung out with friends we made here in the campground—David and Kim Tetzloff. They were fellow believers from Nashville, happy to share their (double burner) stove and s’mores and life with us. We had a great time sitting around the fire sharing stories with them. When they packed up to leave on Thursday, they gave us some of their leftover food, including orange juice and supplies for more s’mores.
We were blessed by getting to hang out with our new friends, but at the time, didn’t even realize how much God had used them to provide for us. Somehow or another, between Rockwood (Tuesday night) and Fall Creek Falls, we misplaced our stove. This is really unlike us and to be honest, a completely bizarre thing to just “lose.” We think we might have taken it out of the pannier to load food in and possibly left it at a grocery store on Wednesday, but we called and they said they hadn’t seen anything. We are truly puzzled by this, but fortunately, we are in Nashville with an REI nearby, and it can be replaced. All that to say, it was more of a blessing than we realized to cook our dinner on the Tetzloffs’ stove on Wednesday night, since ours was nowhere to be found!
We are still having a great time and are so thankful for all of your comments and words of encouragement!
Audrey says:
Oct 5, 2011
Bethany and Dave, we have loved reading your blog. We feel like we are apart of your journey! Love you guys and praying for you!
Audrey and Shannon
Audrey Meuleman says:
Oct 5, 2011
Great pictures! It is so neat to see how the Lord puts people in your path. You guys are going to have some amazing stories!
Mom PK says:
Oct 5, 2011
Bethany and Dave, the pics are gorg!! Can’t wait to see you all, call if you need me at the last min. Love, Mom