Yellowstone Highlights

Yellowstone Highlights

Well it’s been ages since I bothered to post on the blog… mostly because I haven’t felt like much was “happening” in our lives that was blog worthy. Now, that is in direct contradiction with this post I did when we first came home from the Tour, when I talked...
Summer Fun

Summer Fun

I realized I never gave an update on the triathlon, and so I thought while I was doing that, I would give a general update on life, Kirby and how our summer is going. So, let’s start with my FIRST Olympic distance triathlon! On May 30, Dave and I both...
Whole 30, Triathlon Training and Contentment

Whole 30, Triathlon Training and Contentment

Well, this update is a bit overdue… it’s now been 50 days since I posted on the blog! As much as I would love to post more, I am accepting the reality of the life I live, with being a full-time mom and also working part-time from home. There’s just...
Whole 30 Challenge

Whole 30 Challenge

Well, it’s April 1. Day one of my first Whole30 challenge. (And no, this is not an April Fools’ joke.) Some or even most of you may have heard of the Whole30 before… it’s a relatively restrictive diet where, for the next 30 days, I will be eating REAL food....
The Ultimate Pi Day

The Ultimate Pi Day

Every year, Dave and I celebrate our anniversary with a pie. We got married on Pi Day (March 14 = 3.14 = pi). And this year, the tradition continued with a delicious apple pie: Also, it’s worth noting that 2015 gave us the most accurate Pi Day we will have...
A Brave New World (of Motherhood)

A Brave New World (of Motherhood)

Perhaps you’re thinking that I haven’t posted on the blog because I’ve been so busy in my new role as a mom. (Perhaps I flatter myself to think anyone has noticed the month or more of silence…) You’d be wrong to think that I’m crazy swamped with our sweet little...
Latest entries
Singapore: Asia's Finish Line

Singapore: Asia’s Finish Line

When you’re on a bike tour, people ask you almost every day: “Where are you going?” Sometimes we give the short answer, and say the name of the next town or next major city. But if they seem genuinely interested in our trip, we give the final destination for whatever leg of the journey we’re...
Through Malaysia

Through Malaysia

We felt like we were racing the clock through much of Malaysia. In our 10 days of riding there, we covered about 1,000 kilometers from the northern tip to the Singapore border. While we are looking forward to our soon return to North America, we certainly wouldn’t have minded spending more time in this country....
Tropical Getaways

Tropical Getaways

People often make comments to us about our “extended vacation,” since our journey is on the long side of average. But we beg to differ. We don’t see our trip as a vacation. In fact, it’s a lot of work! We spend 5-6 hours every day doing tough physical activity: riding two, fully loaded touring...
Blessings in Bangkok

Blessings in Bangkok

“Two weeks in Bangkok? WHY?!” That’s been the response we’ve gotten from several people when we shared our travel plans. As far as touristy activities go, Bangkok does not merit that long of a stay. But Bangkok offered a lot more to us than just popping in a few wats and shopping malls (though it...
Eye-opening Cambodia

Eye-opening Cambodia

Cambodia is the first country in Asia where we did zero camping. Several factors played into this decision–I had recently recovered from a rough stomach infection in Laos, so we thought rooms would be a little more comfortable. Of course the heat was a huge element as well, and by getting a room we were...
Four Years In

Four Years In

Four years ago, on March 14, 2009, Dave and I stood before family, friends and God and entered into the holy covenant of marriage. People told us that the first year of marriage would be tough… that it would be and full of difficult lessons in communicating and living together. We fortunately found quite the...