Yellowstone Highlights

Yellowstone Highlights

Well it’s been ages since I bothered to post on the blog… mostly because I haven’t felt like much was “happening” in our lives that was blog worthy. Now, that is in direct contradiction with this post I did when we first came home from the Tour, when I talked...
Summer Fun

Summer Fun

I realized I never gave an update on the triathlon, and so I thought while I was doing that, I would give a general update on life, Kirby and how our summer is going. So, let’s start with my FIRST Olympic distance triathlon! On May 30, Dave and I both...
Whole 30, Triathlon Training and Contentment

Whole 30, Triathlon Training and Contentment

Well, this update is a bit overdue… it’s now been 50 days since I posted on the blog! As much as I would love to post more, I am accepting the reality of the life I live, with being a full-time mom and also working part-time from home. There’s just...
Whole 30 Challenge

Whole 30 Challenge

Well, it’s April 1. Day one of my first Whole30 challenge. (And no, this is not an April Fools’ joke.) Some or even most of you may have heard of the Whole30 before… it’s a relatively restrictive diet where, for the next 30 days, I will be eating REAL food....
The Ultimate Pi Day

The Ultimate Pi Day

Every year, Dave and I celebrate our anniversary with a pie. We got married on Pi Day (March 14 = 3.14 = pi). And this year, the tradition continued with a delicious apple pie: Also, it’s worth noting that 2015 gave us the most accurate Pi Day we will have...
A Brave New World (of Motherhood)

A Brave New World (of Motherhood)

Perhaps you’re thinking that I haven’t posted on the blog because I’ve been so busy in my new role as a mom. (Perhaps I flatter myself to think anyone has noticed the month or more of silence…) You’d be wrong to think that I’m crazy swamped with our sweet little...
Latest entries
The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch One thing we’ve discovered over the course of this cycling journey is that distance traveled, particularly on a bicycle, is somewhat relative. Let me give you an example. About a year before we left, we were hanging out with a group of my college friends and their husbands, and our scheme to...
Signs of the South Land

Signs of the South Land

I don’t think we can say it started at the state line exactly, but somewhere on the road from Missouri to Arkansas, the air became heavy and thick with moisture. We’re back in the land of humidity. It’s not a new feeling… sweat pours down your face and back and into your eyes and the...
Kansas: A Plain(s) State

Kansas: A Plain(s) State

You would not believe the diversity we saw across Kansas! We could hardly believe it ourselves! So many plains! We saw… OK, so you might be picking up on the sarcasm. Kansas was, in fact, home to some of the most dull stretches of cycling we’ve done on this trip. Miles and miles of plains...
Homecoming Plans

Homecoming Plans

WE’RE COMING HOME! But I guess we’ve mentioned that a couple of times at this point. We want to make it completely official by posting our homecoming plans here on the site so if you live in the area and you’re available, you can come and join us! We plan to ride into Auburn, Alabama,...
Colorful Colorado

Colorful Colorado

“Colorful Colorado,” the welcome sign greeted us. And colorful it was, but not just in landscapes. The mountains, though beautiful, are not at their finest this time of year. There’s no winter snow atop the peaks, and the fall leaves are yet to turn. We were a month behind the best of the wildflower blooms....
Two Years on Two Wheels

Two Years on Two Wheels

August 18 marked two whole years of life on the road for us. I can honestly say I didn’t expect it to go by so fast. In fact, one particular memory comes to mind as I reflect on how quickly the past two years have gone by. It was only the sixth night of our...