This is part 1 of a two-part series. There’s so much to be said about planning for sleeping and the actual execution thereof on a bike tour. So, in this first post, for those who are generally curious, we’re going to give a breakdown of the places we slept on our world tour. Next week,...
We said before we departed on our “big trip” that we hoped we would come back changed. We hoped we would see the world differently, and that our journey would shape us in a unique way. There’s no doubt this happened, though probably not in the way we thought. (And probably in some ways we...
We’ve now been in Nashville for a whole three and a half weeks–which means this is, by far, the longest we’ve been in one place in more than two years. So we were itching for a bit of tangible adventure… more than what hours of scouring the internet for jobs can provide. So we decided...
So… today’s blog post breaks into territory surely all have wondered about, and more than a few have dared to ask about: THE FINANCES. How much did it cost? And implied within that question are others… how could you possibly afford that? Did you win the lottery? Did you inherit a family fortune? Are you...
That’s the question, I suppose. Everyone is asking. Everyone wants to know. So… you did your trip, they say. You rode your bikes around the world. You set a goal and accomplished it. Great. Now what are you going to do? Well, I guess it’s time we answered. We don’t exactly know. We at least...
Shortly after setting out on our trip, we began reading Miles From Nowhere, a well-known book about Larry and Barbara Savage—an American couple who rode their bicycles around the world for two years in 1979-1980. Though it has a sad epilogue, the book itself is fantastic and captures the struggles, joys, difficulties and humor of...