On to part two of our gear review series! I’ll just jump right in… if you want some context for this, please read the last post, which explains this series and gives a detailed review of our bikes and most of the accessories that went on them. This week I’m reviewing camping gear, and next...
In preparation for a bike tour, one of the biggest components of the planning process is researching, selecting and purchasing your gear (or kit, as the English call it). It’s an enormous undertaking, and in our team of two, the weight of these decisions was shouldered primarily by Dave (and ironically, the bulk of that...
When we were on the Tour, people were always full of questions for us about our trip. The gamut ranged from the simpler, “Have you had many flat tires?” (Yes. DUH.), to the more complex, “How does your bum survive all that time on a bike seat?” (I’m still not sure how that worked.) It...
We didn’t do much posting about the holidays throughout the actual season… we were a bit occupied with finishing up the “Where We Slept” series, then we were on the road with the travels and family fun that come along with Christmas. So we thought we’d share some pictures and updates of what we’ve been...
Here we are… part 3 of 3 on “Where We Slept.” In the previous two posts, we addressed our different sleeping arrangements as well as our strategies for finding somewhere to sleep each night (based on region). So, this post should be a bit shorter, mostly answering questions we’ve received, both recently and over the...
This is the second of a three-part series summarizing our sleeping arrangements and strategies for securing them over the course of our world bike tour. (Yes, I said two-part series last time, but the topic seems to keep growing as I write about it.) Last week, I showed this graph which gave a percentage breakdown...