The last week has been mostly uphill… and our mileage has reflected it! We’ve had slower days, putting in fewer miles in this mountainous region of Virginia. But the scenery has been beautiful! We’ve done two days on the Blue Ridge Parkway (with a few days off in between), with more to come. It’s also slow because we want to stop at every scenic overlook and snap a picture! It turns out they really are ALL scenic!

Another beautiful vista...Another state done! Through Virginia and on into NC! (And now, when I'm posting this, we're past NC as well!)
We haven’t had many opportunities to access internet, or really much of anything. But the people are friendly and the views are awesome, so we push on.
We hope to make it to Nashville in about 10-11 days!
Anna Pate says:
Sep 28, 2011
ok bethany & dave….im officially going to make a post! when you sent me your site back this summer i thought…wow this is going to be amazing to read…but its beyond WOW….i’m definitely not one for riding a bike for exercise especially not up a hill let alone a mountain but this is making me think….hey i could start to enjoy that….if it allowed you to strap on 2 kids and a newborn of course…it has been a pleasure to read your posts thus far, and amazing to see how God has gone before you and provided in so many situations! can’t wait to continue to travel along with you guys and want you to know that im praying for you both and your safety along the way!
Cassie Nash says:
Sep 30, 2011
Dianna Cantler says:
Oct 3, 2011
Blessings on your trip! It was wonderful to meet you on Sunday, Sept. 25 at Munsey Church and we were pleased to have you join us. I hope our exhuberance was not overwhelming! We have had several members hike the AT and we were glad to return the hospitality to strangers (but now friends)!