Author Archive
Utah: Sleepless Nights and Rugged Landscapes

Utah: Sleepless Nights and Rugged Landscapes

We have survived Utah. Well, almost. We’re taking some rest time in Monticello, a mere 17 miles from the Colorado state line. Perhaps it’s ignorance, but we had no idea how much natural beauty Utah has to offer. Especially the southern half, which, lucky for us, is right where our route took us. Sleepless Nights...
Recipes from the Road

Recipes from the Road

We believe in eating well. We also believe in eating on a budget. We’ve tried our best to combine these two philosophies on our world bicycle tour. People ask us all the time what we eat while on the road, and to be honest, it’s a hard question to answer because it can vary a...
Nevada: Land of the Desolate, Home of the Aliens

Nevada: Land of the Desolate, Home of the Aliens

Since we’ve been back in the U.S., we’ve been impressed by how downright friendly Americans can be. We have more random people strike up conversations with us here than in any other place in the world. (It doesn’t hurt I suppose that we understand what all of them are saying.) A range of typical questions...
Through Yosemite

Through Yosemite

Not to be cliché. but the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is really the most appropriate thing I can think of to sum up our time in Yosemite! So here are some photos, and the captions (longer than normal) should tell the story of our journey through one of the most spectacular national...
West Coast Adventures

West Coast Adventures

We set out from Portland in early June and made our way directly to the coast. The U.S. Pacific Coast Highway—from Washington to Southern California—is the most bicycled route in the country. And why not? It’s full of beautiful coastal scenery from top to bottom. Rugged coastline and the occasional walkable beach makes it a...
Changes to the Site

Changes to the Site

Over the past few weeks, you might have noticed a few small changes to our site. Nothing major, but we wanted to use a short blog update to let you know what we’ve been doing and what we plan to do on this site of ours. First of all, you might have noticed our awesome...